I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars - W.W.

Good day! I hope you have been well. I have been absent from this space for a minute. How about an update, a fun announcement, and a writing prompt? 

This year has been untenable. It’s ok - it was by design, and I fully consented to the conditions (that I created). I have a few more months of the same: I’m a full-time graduate student (MS in Instructional Design - fascinating) while teaching college English classes (I love these students), while dealing with many, many medical issues across the family, and meeting with cool Chinese students early in the morning to discuss Sylvia Plath, Walt Whitman, and write poems about insects and essays about AI. I also write discussion and event guides for Journeys in Film, a nonprofit educational content provider. (All our content is FREE and created by the director or production team’s vision. Teachers, librarians, homeschoolers, and community leaders, assisted living directors, check it out!). It is a lot, but every activity aligns with my beliefs and interests. 

If there is a plumbing or minor electrical issue, I am on YouTube and headed to the hardware store. This year, I learned about biofilm in the pipes. It was interesting and sparked some writing. 

My grad program has been super helpful as an educator, teaching me new technical and organizational skills and processes to ensure I serve my students well. I have deep empathy and devotion to the students I teach. They are the same age as the Sandy Hook children ( some of them were at nearby schools and have strong memories of that time). They also spent critical high school years in lockdown during COVID. So, while I enjoyed the slowdown of the pandemic, COVID was devastating for many young people. And not just because they missed Prom or graduation. They became defacto parents to younger children in their homes as their adults worked or died. Public school is a safe respite for many students, and when it is closed, poorly funded, or turned into a political playground for personal gain by idiots, real children suffer. Despite these challenges, this generation is so smart. They are experts on navigating mental health and are open and accepting of diversity (of all types) in ways the older generation frequently lacks. They are kind, support their families, and understand their heritage and potential. I am committed to fighting for them and nurturing their critical thinking and communication skills in joyful ways. 

I have also been able to create fun projects while learning to code or project manage. I coded a website from scratch devoted to parking lot bird-watching. It was a peak Amy sidequest.

Check out the “Creative Writing Sandbox” tab at the top for some interactive writing prompt applications I made. They were a blast to make, and as I fine-tune them, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Seriously.  

And I expanded my syllabus class. Some of you might have taken the workshop I led a few years ago. This class expands on that workshop which felt too short. I aim to retain my vibe - casual, full of possibility, and slightly weird. There are videos, prompts, worksheets, playlists, field trips, and lots of resources.  You can check it out at the top of the page. If cost is a barrier, please reach out. I am open to bartering or helping you in any way I can.  


So, with one of my students, we get together every Sunday morning and read a chunk of “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman aloud. It is magical, healing, and inspirational. He created and captured the best of the American impulse. He sings with equanimity about radical inclusivity, acceptance, the importance of embodied knowledge, and a universal god that encompasses all the universe. 

Grab a copy and read it as a devotional each evening with your people. It will change your heart. 


Read “Song of Myself, 31” by Walt Whitman

Then, find a seat outside and look for all the examples of the small and seemingly insignificant that are  “no less than” and “equally perfect”


goodbye summer